H&I TV Schedule For Columbus, OH, OH

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The Restless Gun


"Vint is deliberately framed for a bank robbery and murder." 



The Hoax

"Marshal Dan Troop watches a church burn and attempts to save the congregation from the same fate!" 



Liar's Poker

Reno and Bobby trail a beautiful escaped convict, soon discovering that the real criminal mastermind is someone they would never have suspected. 



Dead Heat

Reno investigates a series of mysterious racehorse deaths. 



The Clock King's Crazy Crimes

The Clock King robs Gotham elite at the Harry Hummert Jewelry Shop, and later traps Batman and Robin inside a giant hourglass. 



The Clock King Gets Crowned

The Clock King's caper winds up at the Wayne Manor when Dick Grayson's aunt buys a tampered clock for Bruce Wayne. 


Adventures of Superman

Star of Fate

A cursed Egyptian sapphire is auctioned off; the jewel contains a hidden needle that poisons Lois and others. 


Adventures of Superman

The Whistling Bird

A doctor teaches his parakeet the formula for an explosive, and the bird is captured by a spy. 


Adventures of Superman

Around the World with Superman

Superman helps restore vision to a blind child and reunites an estranged couple for a promotion stunt. 


Adventures of Superman

Through the Time Barrier

Professor Twiddle invents a time machine which takes Jimmy, Lois, Clark and a thug back 50,000 years. 


Wonder Woman

The Fine Art of Crime

Wonder Woman foils a ring of art thieves who use life-like statues—that are actually people in suspended animation—to rob museums. 




MacGyver is on the trail of thieves using high-level Navy tactics to steal 18th century treasure. 



Out in the Cold

While vacationing on the slopes, MacGyver and Pete Thornton become targets of a mob "hit" squad. 


Martial Law

Final Conflict: Part 1

The MCU discover that Scorpio has a personal grudge against Sammo. 


Lethal Weapon

Jingle Bell Glock

"Riggs struggles with the holiday season alone." 


Walker, Texas Ranger

Whitewater (Pt. 1)

Walker and Alex go white water rafting and camping trip. In the morning, a rafter is found dead. The group continues rafting to the nearest station for help. Meanwhile, there is a prison outbreak and convicts are heading towards the rapids.  


Walker, Texas Ranger

Whitewater (Pt. 2)

Walker and Alex go white water rafting and camping trip. In the morning, a rafter is found dead. The group continues rafting to the nearest station for help. Meanwhile, there is a prison outbreak and convicts are heading towards the rapids.  


Black Sheep Squadron

Prisoners of War

When the Black Sheep shoot down and capture a Japanese Zero pilot they discover he was raised in the United States. Torn between the two cultures, the pilot is no longer sure where his loyalties should lie.  


Black Sheep Squadron

Presumed Dead

The Japanese brainwash a Navy pilot and then set him adrift to be rescued. When he is returned, their brainwashing takes over and he is compelled to perform a secret mission for them.  


Tour of Duty

Lonely At The Top

While Zeke is back in the States, Brewster sends the men out to locate a missing SOG team. Once in the bush, Team Viking locates the missing soldiers, who all appear to be dead. 


Tour of Duty

Bodyguard Of Lies, A

While Zeke is back in the States, Brewster sends the men out to locate a missing SOG team. Once in the bush, Team Viking locates the missing soldiers, who all appear to be dead. 



The Little Carousel

The squad encounters a young French student nurse who insists on helping everyone. 



Fly Away Home

The squad gets a view of the Carrier Pigeon Company and its role in the war effort.  


The Rat Patrol

The Gun Runner Raid

The Rat Patrol is captured by an arms dealer, an American deserter who resents the impact their raids have had on his business of selling to both sides. 


The Rat Patrol

The Lighthouse Raid

The Rat Patrol must use a lighthouse behind enemy lines to arrange for the transport of a liberated French general. The lighthouse, however, is run by a man who would gladly accept German gold in exchange for betraying the mission.  


12 O'Clock High

An Act of War

The group returns from a bomb run on the air frame factory at Metz. The leader, Major Cobb, reports complete destruction of the target, but the intelligence officer, Major Herrick, says the factory is still operating. 


The Rat Patrol

The Daredevil Rescue Raid

Moffitt's father is flown in to assist the Rat Patrol in finding an ancient Roman road that could serve as an Allied supply route through the mountains, but disaster strikes when his airplane is shot down and he is captured by the Germans. 


The Rat Patrol

The One That Got Away Raid

The Rat Patrol tries to rescue a German lieutenant who's been informing against his own forces before he can be taken away to Gestapo headquarters. 



Con Job

As they search jewel robbers, the team finds an unlikely ally in a convict. 



An Uncle in the Business

Reno protects a deceased hit man's daughter and reveals the truth to her about her father's profession. 

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