The 'Batman' TV series sure liked to label everything
Posted: October 14, 2016, 3:08PMOne of the big appeals of the 1960s Batman television series is its pop-art look. Who doesn't love those colorful bursts that come with each punch of the Caped Crusader? POW! BAM! SPLAT! It's pure eye candy.
The show also had a penchant for labeling, well, everything. Certainly every gadget, gizmo, tool and technology in the Batcave and beyond came branded with a cut and dry description of what it was. One Twitter account and Tumblr page has taken up the task of documenting all these playful signs. Batman66Labels is a reminder of Batman's playful tone of yesteryear. It's also just a good resource for looking at close-ups of props from the TV show, all the Bat-this and Bat-thats.
Close up, you can see that many of these labels are obviously, charmingly handmade.
The modern day Batman is moody and gravel-voiced. Perhaps if we all chipped in and got him a label maker machine he would cheer up.
Here are some of our favorite posts from Batman66Labels. We are particularly fond of a rare art map labeled "DEATH BEE BEHIVE TRIP WIRE."
BAT SHIELD pic.twitter.com/s7TapzGkgG
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 21, 2016
DEATH BEE BEEHIVE TRIP WIRE https://t.co/Bictcom53c
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 12, 2016
BAT-SLEEP pic.twitter.com/VsUJSZyyf7
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 21, 2016
SHARK REPELLENT pic.twitter.com/OzgEsFXJRO
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 20, 2016
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 20, 2016
LEMONADE pic.twitter.com/vIXKAC7q5E
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 19, 2016
CUTTING TORCH pic.twitter.com/eiElAmZuLJ
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 17, 2016
BAT-TAPE READER pic.twitter.com/i9xK4CEmcE
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 16, 2016
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 15, 2016
— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) March 14, 2016
MAGNIFYING LENS pic.twitter.com/pky3qabxQD