CBS Television Distribution
The characters on the various Star Trek series all have ranks in the Federation military as well as their roles on the ships. Do you know your ensigns from your lieutenants? Let's find out!

Watch Star Trek: The Original Series on H&I

Sunday through Friday at 7 PM Central

  1. We'll start you with an easy one, what rank is Spock in the Original Series?
  2. How about Uhura?
  3. Bones?
  4. What about.... Navigator Kelso?
  5. Dr. Crusher?
  6. Maggie Hubbell?
  7. How about Worf from Deep Space 9?
  8. What about Kira Nerys?
  9. What about Voyager's Tuvok?
  10. Finally, what rank was Harry Kim?

Can you identify what rank this Star Trek character is?

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