Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution

"Hi Diddle Riddle" and "Smack in the Middle" are the first two episodes from Batman (1966). 

The Riddler himself causes trouble for Gotham City and of course for Batman and Robin with his twist on words and his ability to make the crime-fighting combo overthink! Thankfully, Robin's youth and simple thinking pays off when posed with a question from The Riddler. 

How well do you know some of these classic riddles that appeared in the first two episodes of Batman

Fill in the blanks to complete the riddles below. Once you make your selection, the answer to the riddle will appear! 

Can you complete these riddles from The Riddler? 

Good luck!

Watch Batman on H&I

Saturdays at 7 AM & Sundays at 8 AM Central

  1. Complete the first riddle from The Riddler: Why is an orange like ______?
  2. Do you remember this full riddle?: There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes, but no matches. How do they manage to _____?
  3. This riddle came from The Riddler's imposter: What is it that no man wants to have _________?
  4. Can you fill in the blank to complete this riddle? When is the time of a clock like the _______?
  5. Here's another riddle: What has neither flesh, bone nor nail, yet has four fingers and a _____?
  6. This riddle comes from The Riddler's hired help: Why is a quarrel like a _____?
  7. In the second of the two part series opener episode titled "Smack in the Middle," this riddle is: What kind of pins are used in _____?
  8. Fill in the blank to complete this riddle: What president of the United States wore the biggest....
  9. Do you know the answer to this riddle: How many sides is a circle?

Can you complete these riddles from The Riddler?

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